Monday, March 19, 2007

Our trip to the sierra

This Saturday we went to the mountains with our friends Rafa, Gerardo and Hermano Jimenez. Hermano Jimenez goes to the sierra almost every weekend to minister to people who live in remote places. We had the opportunity to go to a small pueblo Santa Rosa to help with children's ministry. The girls were in charge of teaching the kids, singing songs with them, playing games, and giving them fruit. They did a great job talking with the kids and interacting with them. They shared the story Daniel in the Lion's Den with the children and taught them new songs. We all were amazed by how the people in Santa Rosa live. They have a simple life in that the live off the land, make their own materials to construct their homes, and live with the bare essentials. It was fun to sit back and watch the girls love the children of Santa Rosa and teach them the Bible. We all walked away very thankful and appreciative for what the Lord has blessed us with. We hope to be able to return and encourage the people of Santa Rosa and Cineguita. What a blessed time it was to serve Him and be in the middle of His creation! There are more posts below of our trip, so be sure to check them out!

1 comment:

Dev said...

I haven't checked the blog in a while, the pics are so great! You are such a good and consistent blogger! I will call you sometime soon, maybe next week over spring break. Miss you and love you!