Wednesday, April 11, 2007

A Much Needed Visit from Mom and Dad!

My parents came down last week and spent 3 days here in Chihuahua. The girls loved getting to know them and my parents loved meeting the girls. They had the girl's names all memorized before the arrived. We were blessed by their generosity! We shopped, went bowling (a first for the girls), visited the orphanage, went to the caves here in Chihuahua, and went downtown. On Thursday- Saturday, the girls went to youth camp and I was able to go to El Paso with mom and dad and have them to myself for 2 days! What a needed break it was and such good family time! Thanks Mom and Dad!! We love you and miss you!!

1 comment:

Krysten said...

It's so great that your parents were able to visit! I'm glad you guys had a good time. I miss you like crazy and intended to call on Sunday, but got sick :(

I will call soon, though! Love you!