Monday, March 09, 2009

This past week we had an opportunity to hear about a ministry similar to ours but in Central Asia. I am going to leave out names and places in order to protect the missionaries who are serving there. They were able to share with us their experience in working with teenagers and we were able to learn about culture and the difficulties of sharing Jesus in places where it is against the law. We were able to pray for them and their teenage girls and they even taught us some dance moves. Please pray for their ministry as they are a living example of Christ to young women. We hope that we are able to share Christ via emails with their young women.

A few shots from church

FUTBOL and Family Day

We all went to cheer on some of the girls as they played with the girls from church. Afterwards we went to get elote and took a few of our friends too! We had a fun evening all together which doesn`t seem to happen these days with everyones commitments.

Monday, November 10, 2008

Pizza Party

Jerson taking it all in

Waiting for the pizza.

Eli cutting onions and trying not to cry.
A happy Judith shreading cheese

Yes, Gerardo and Esmeralda rolling out a mean crust.

Feliz Cumpleanos Angie!

On the 1st of November, we celebrated Angie's birthday. We took her to an adult play land where yes, adults pay less than kids to enter. It's basically a fun blow up play park for adults. Huge inflated slides, bouncy houses, obstical courses, jousting and so much more. We had a blast and all looked like we were 6 again running around the park without shoes on. It was a blast and such a fun way to spend the evening together. Afterwards we went to Wendy's to enjoy Angie's favorite food... French Fries. Happy Birthday Angie!!!! You are loved!

Saturday, November 01, 2008

Sarai and Raul's Boda!

Our dear friends Sarai and Raul got married 3 weeks ago and it was a great reason to get all dolled up. The girls had fun decorating their car and Angie and Rouss were asked to help out during the wedding. It was such a special evening and a beautiful wedding.

Tuesday, October 28, 2008

Claudia's Birthday

Pirate, Belle, Cruella, Claudia

Claudia and Esme

A few weeks ago the girls and I planned a surprise movie costume party for Claudia. We had Indiana Jones, Cruella Devil, Pirates, cowboys and girls, and many other characters. Our local movie rental store donated the movie posters and we even had live music! We had fun bobbing for apples, eating doughnuts from a string, and watching Claudia's favorite movie in the garage. In this next month Angie, Gaby, and Esmeralda will celebrate their birthdays. What fun to have a party every other week. I as director decided from the beginning that each girl needed to have their own celebration. Here in the NE house, it is the first time for most of them to have a birthday celebration. Thank you for your support!

Saturday, August 23, 2008


Pass It On......

This past spring, the children´s ministry from First Pres. Greeley raised money by reading a chapter a day of the Bible. Different people sponsored them as they read and they raised over $1,000 dollars. The girls at Nueva Esperanza have coordinated a project for a nursing home here in Chihuahua and the funds collected will be used to provide some of their most basic needs. When I spoke to the director, Hermana Margarita (In first picture), I asked her what projects she needed accomplished. I was thinking of painting, cleaning, supplies. She looked at me and said "Sarah, what we need is food." It broke my heart thinking that these dear folks do not get a regular food donation that sustains them through the month. We have readjusted our project and on a monthly basis we take them food including fruits and vegetables and then we hang out with them. They love to have people to chat with and some play a mean game of dominoes! I am excited that this pass it on project is blessing so many people and of all generations. Thanks kids for your support and to those who contributed!

Monday, April 07, 2008

A Visit from Mom and Dad

Going to the zoo
Dad entertaining Johny and Diyan
A walk in the Park
My parents meeting Gerardo's Family
Gerardo's family threw us a party with music and
dancing and all!!

Tuesday, January 08, 2008

Deck the House

The girls and I had such a fun time decorating the house. Last year I had the house all decorated by the time they moved in. This year we all participated. Thanks to Jim and Elizabeth Gable, we had our very own 6 ft. Christmas tree! Enjoy the pics.