Tuesday, October 28, 2008

Claudia's Birthday

Pirate, Belle, Cruella, Claudia

Claudia and Esme

A few weeks ago the girls and I planned a surprise movie costume party for Claudia. We had Indiana Jones, Cruella Devil, Pirates, cowboys and girls, and many other characters. Our local movie rental store donated the movie posters and we even had live music! We had fun bobbing for apples, eating doughnuts from a string, and watching Claudia's favorite movie in the garage. In this next month Angie, Gaby, and Esmeralda will celebrate their birthdays. What fun to have a party every other week. I as director decided from the beginning that each girl needed to have their own celebration. Here in the NE house, it is the first time for most of them to have a birthday celebration. Thank you for your support!

1 comment:

Jessica said...

Love it! Great costumes!