Saturday, August 23, 2008

Pass It On......

This past spring, the children´s ministry from First Pres. Greeley raised money by reading a chapter a day of the Bible. Different people sponsored them as they read and they raised over $1,000 dollars. The girls at Nueva Esperanza have coordinated a project for a nursing home here in Chihuahua and the funds collected will be used to provide some of their most basic needs. When I spoke to the director, Hermana Margarita (In first picture), I asked her what projects she needed accomplished. I was thinking of painting, cleaning, supplies. She looked at me and said "Sarah, what we need is food." It broke my heart thinking that these dear folks do not get a regular food donation that sustains them through the month. We have readjusted our project and on a monthly basis we take them food including fruits and vegetables and then we hang out with them. They love to have people to chat with and some play a mean game of dominoes! I am excited that this pass it on project is blessing so many people and of all generations. Thanks kids for your support and to those who contributed!

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