Saturday, May 19, 2007

Los Amayas

Rafa, Jose Amaya, Gerardo
Yummy popusasa and pico de gallo
Gerson (in green), Dina, Rossy, Rose, Walter, Angie, Ariel
Viky and Dona cooking!

We met the Amayas through our friend Gerardo. They have just graduated from the new Tribes Mission Training Institute. They are from Honduras and have 5 children. They are planning to return to Honduras to serve in a tribe. We had the opportnity to hear how the Lord has provided for them in so many ways. They are a close-knit family whose faith in the Lord is so evident. We had them over for lunch a few weeks ago along with our friends Rafa and Gerardo. Mrs. Amaya made an amazing Honduran feast and we all went to the park to play afterwards. What a blessing they have been to our lives and their faith in the Lord is such an encouragement. We hope to spend more time with them before they return to Honduras in August.