Tuesday, March 06, 2007

Feliz Dia de Familia

This Sunday was Family Day here in Chihuahua. Our family of 6 went to an amusement park that was open to the public for free. We didn't have much time to ride rides, but some of the girls waited in line for 35 minutes to ride one. The park was PACKED! It was fun to get out and enjoy the weather and each other. Afterwards we went to a youth event at church. It was a movie night that the youth put on to raise funds. We watched a movie and ate popcorn and nachos. I am so glad that they are involved and having fun! Enjoy! Can you find 4 girls on the ride? Hint, one of them is bent over like she is about to loose it:)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

This sounds like so much fun! I'll call you tomorrow ... Love you - Jess