Wednesday, February 14, 2007

The Brick Yard

We have a friend who has been involved in a ministry here in Chihuahua for over 4 years. She does community life development classes and a Bible club for adults and children who live and work in a brick yard. Most of their homes are made of cardboard or anything that they can accumulate to construct their house. Most of the families are all involved in making the bricks including the women and children. The process is quite fascinating to watch. Unfortunately, the companies who buy the bricks from them, only pay one peso per brick which is one penny. Due to them not getting a good price for their bricks, they live in poverty. There is little to no government assistance. They have no electricity, and are now having to pay for water, taxes on their land and the materials to make the bricks.

We went out on Saturday and the girls jumped right into helping out. They went through the entire colony inviting people to the Community Development class. They also played with the children and loved on them. The community life class this week focused the food pyramid and how to eat healthy, even on a low income. Those who attend earn points so they can buy things with their points and a bag of basic food items that we put together. The things that they bought with their points included, towels, soap, plates, forks, pans, cups. Basically, house hold items that they need. We are looking forward to partnering with Allison in this ministry every other Saturday. Please pray for the people at the brick yard that they would be open to the gospel. I didn't take pictures out there, but these are the food items that each family received.

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