Friday, September 01, 2006

Home again, Home again

I had a great time in Chihuahua and it made living there full time more of a reality. I was so blessed to see how the Lord brought people around me to encourage me, invite me into their homes, give their approval, and join in the ministry. Some of the highlights of the trip were: getting to Mexico safely and enjoying the green beauty in the desert. Taking the girls out to buy their uniforms and celebrate their graduation from Jr. High school. While we were out we got stuck in a down pour. (See pic above). Spending time with Claudia and Ana who have transitioned out of the orphanage and are continuing their University and High School studies. (Middle pic). Meeting with Social Services and getting their favor and approval. Seeing the kids at the orphanage and their excitement to start school with their new backpacks and school supplies! Meeting Melanie, an already good friend who is getting her masters in Christian Counseling. She will be mentoring and praying with me regularly and helping me with group and individual counseling for the girls. Finding an incredible staff worker who will work alongside me in the house 4 days a week. She loves the girls and already knows them. Knowing that the next time I am in Chihuahua will probably be going to open the home and move the girls in! Thank you so much for your prayers and encouragement! It means so much. Here are some things you can be praying about. That support will continue to come in so that we can get started. Continual prayer for the girls are they are anticipating transitioning out of the orphanage. Finding a home that is in a safe area that is available for rent.


Dev said...

So glad everything went well. I can't wait to call you and hear all about it. Love you!

jerashparsons said...

Richard said to say hi. His head still hurts and his vision is blurry, plus he's dizzy all the time. . . . he's back on the bike though. It all comes around. . .