Sunday, August 13, 2006


Friday: I met Melanie who is finishing up her masters in Christian Counseling and she is amazing! She has a heart for the Lord and people. She is very interested in doing group counseling with the girls, individual counseling, and meeting with me. This is a HUGE answer to prayer! I also had a great time with Ana and Claudia, two girls who lived at the orphanage. They are doing well and gearing up for school. Saturday : we went shopping for food and then I took the older girls from the orphanage to buy their uniforms for school. We also celebrated their graduation by going out for tacos. A former staff member from the orphanage came with us. We had a great time eventhough we got caught in a rain storm. I'll post pictures later of it. I am perusing Yesi, the former staff worker as a potential worker for the house. Please pray for her as she makes a decision. Sunday: Today I went to church and met a ton of people. I also was invited to a friend's house to relax and call home. This evening I met up with Azahel and Ivon (two kids who were at the orphanage) It was great to catch up. Thank you for your encouraging emails and prayers!

1 comment:

Dev said...

It is so great to be able to hear about your trip as it is all happening! It makes me soooo excited to hear all the details! I can't wait until I can come visit Nueva Esperanza some day (hopefully soon)! We are praying for you and so glad to hear things are going so well. Let us know of any specific prayer requests. And I need your parents address again because, yes, I lost it. Again. So email when you get a chance. Love and miss you tons!!!